Assessment Methodology
Akin to the more widely-recognized carbon footprint, Plastic Footprint assessments provide organizations with a way to measure how their use of plastic (in products, packaging, transportation, services, etc.) impacts the environment.
Establishing a single, robust, up-to-date and trusted methodology for plastic footprint assessments was the 2023 focus of PFN. Over 100 scientists, plastics experts and product representatives from 35 organizations united over the year to unify and harmonize different methods for measuring plastic leakage into one tool, now available for global use.
This guidance serves as a comprehensive, step-by-step manual for practitioners seeking to use the PFN methodology to assess their plastic footprint. This starting point provides clear instructions on how to navigate through the various modules and build the paths to be followed in the assessment.
After reviewing the Guidance, users are encouraged to read all strategic modules and the technical module “Technical introduction to plastic leakage” to gain a better understanding of the most important applications of plastic footprints; key definitions; concepts of loss, release, leakage; and the different calculation routes for macro and microplastic.
Table of contents
Strategic modules
The strategic modules are designed to help organizations establish the goals and scope of an effective plastic footprint assessment. In particular, the modules support setting priorities for data collection (structure & quality) and communication.
Technical modules
Technical modules are where the technical and operational aspects of running a plastic footprint are described. This includes system maps, calculation routes and by default datasets.
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This guidance serves as a comprehensive, step-by-step manual for practitioners seeking to use the PFN methodology to assess their plastic footprint. This starting point provides clear instructions on how to navigate through the various modules and build the paths to be followed in the assessment.
Strategic modules
Introduction to Plastic Footprint
The concept of plastic footprinting is introduced in this module, covering the definition of a plastic footprint, introducing relevant metrics, and explaining practical applications of plastic footprint assessments.
Scope & boundaries
This module provides a standardized approach for establishing the scope of a corporate plastic footprint assessment, serving as a guide to determine which activities within a value cycle are considered in or out of scope.
Data governance
Comprehensive guidelines for the selection and utilization of data in a plastic footprint assessment are provided in this module, in alignment with the purposes and scope of the assessment.
Technical modules
Technical introduction to plastic leakage
This module introduces a key element of effective plastic footprint assessments, plastic leakage. The module explains what plastic leakage is and how it is calculated for both macroplastics and microplastics.
Macroplastic: Packaging
The objective of this module is to introduce a standardized methodology for estimating the impact of plastic packaging waste, detailing how to include and assess packaging materials in a plastic footprint assessment.
Macroplastic: Textile
This module introduces a standardized method for assessing macroplastic leakage from synthetic textiles, supporting the completion of comprehensive plastic footprint assessments that incorporate leakage from textile use as well as at products’ end-of-life.
Macroplastic: Fishing gear
Conducting an effective plastic footprint assessment involving fishing gear is explored in this model, which provides a unified approach for establishing the volume of macroplastics originating from products used in commercial fishing.
Macroplastic: Leakage from waste export
This module introduces a standardized approach for estimating the impact of mismanaged waste and ocean leakage from exported plastic waste within the plastic footprint analysis framework.
Macroplastic: Release rate
This module provides a clear and transparent methodology that outlines an approach for modeling the release rate.
Microplastic: tires
Tire particles are a notable source of microplastic leakage and this module details how organizations can incorporate this source of pollution in comprehensive plastic footprint assessments
Microplastic: textile fibers
This module details a standardized method for establishing amounts of microplastic leakage from textile fibers when conducting a comprehensive plastic footprint assessment.
Microplastic: Agriculture
This module provides an overview of the current state of science regarding microplastic leakage from agriculture.
Impact mariLCA
Methodology to compute the impact on human health and ecosystems based on the PFN inventory.
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